
Piao, X., X. Ma, T. Tsurumi, and S. Managi, 2021. "Social Capital, Negative Event, Life Satisfaction and Sustainable Community: Evidence from 37 Countries", Applied Research in Quality of Life, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-021-09955-1
Tsurumi, T., R. Yamaguchi, K. Kagohashi, and S. Managi, 2021. "Material and relational consumption to improve subjective well-being: Evidence from rural and urban Vietnam", Journal of Cleaner Production, 310(10), 127499.
Tsurumi, T., R. Yamaguchi, K. Kagohashi, and S. Managi, 2020. "Attachment to material goods and subjective well-being: Evidence from life satisfaction in rural areas in Vietnam", Sustainability, 12, 9913. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12239913
Tsurumi, T., R. Yamaguchi, K. Kagohashi, and S. Managi, 2020. "Are cognitive, affective, and eudaimonic dimensions of subjective well-being differently related to consumption? Evidence from Japan", Journal of Happiness Studies, doi.org/10.1007/s10902-020-00327-4.
Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi, 2020. "Health-related and non-health-related effects of PM2.5 on life satisfaction: Evidence from India, China and Japan", Economic Analysis and Policy, 67: 114-123.
Higa, K., R. Nonaka, T. Tsurumi, and S. Managi, 2019. "Migration and Human Capital: Evidence from Japan", Journal of Japanese and International Economics, 54: 101051, doi.org/10.1016/j.jjie.2019.101051
Tsurumi, T., A. Imauji, and S. Managi, 2019. "Relative income, community attachment and subjective well-being: Evidence from Japan", Kyklos, 72(1): 152-182.
Tsurumi, T., A. Imauji, and S. Managi, 2018. "Greenery and well-being: Assessing the monetary value of greenery by type", Ecological Economics, 148: 152-169.
Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2017.“Monetary Valuations of Life Conditions in a Consistent Framework: the Life Satisfaction Approach”, Journal of Happiness Studies, 18(5): 1275-1303.
Abe, K., G. Ishimura, T. Tsurumi, S. Managi and U.R. Sumaila, 2017. "Does Trade Openness Reduce Domestic Fishing Catch?", Fishery Science, 83(6): 897-906.
Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2015.“Environmental Value of Green Spaces in Japan: An Application of the Life Satisfaction Approach
”, Ecological Economics, 120: 1-12.
Tsurumi, T., S. Managi, and A. Hibiki. 2015.“Do Environmental Regulations Increase Bilateral Trade Flows?”, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 15(4): 1549-1577.
Kagohashi, K., T. Tsurumi, and S. Managi. 2015. “The Effects of International Trade on Water Use”, PLOS ONE 10(7): e0132133. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132133
Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2014. "The Effect of Trade Openness on Deforestation: Empirical Analysis for 142 Countries" Environmental Economics and Policy Studies. 16(4): 305-324.
Wanxin HOU, Hiroki Tanikawa, Tetsuya Tsurumi, Shunsuke Managi,Hiroaki Shirakawa. 2011. "Study on quantification of relationship between land use and GDP based on Global scale spatial information" Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Summer Symposium, JSCE, 13: 325-327
Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2010. "Does Energy Substitution Affect Carbon Dioxide Emissions-Income Relationship?" Journal of The Japanese and International Economies, 24(4): 540−551
Tsurumi, T., Managi, S. 2010. "Decomposition of the Environmental Kuznets Curve: Scale, Technique, and Composition Effects”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 11 (1): 19-36.
(Most Downloaded Article 2010)
Managi., S., Hibki, A. and T. Tsurumi 2009. "Does Trade Openness Improve Environmental Quality?" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58 (3): 346-363.
(Most Downloaded Article over October 2009 - September 2010 Academic Year)
Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2009. "World Emissions and Economic Growth: Application of Nonparametric Methods." International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 9(1/2): 69-83.
Kaneko, S., S. Managi, H. Fujii, and T. Tsurumi. 2009. "Does an Environmental Kuznets Curve for Waste Pollution Exist in China?." International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 9(1/2): 4-19.
Managi, S., H. Kawajiri, and T. Tsurumi. 2005. “Regional Economic Integration and Trade: An Empirical Evaluation of NAFTA and EU." International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 4 (1): 1-23.
For Journal Publications in Japanese, please refer to Japanese Page.
