南山大学 国際教養学部 Faculty of Global Liberal Studies

深めて!南山GLS 学生の活躍 学生コラム

My Experience of Studying Aboard and Advices for College Life



Life is a miracle. When I was a high school student in Hong Kong, I had no idea that I will be writing this article in Japan as a student of Nanzan University.

Living in a new country can be super fun and exciting. But sometimes it also challenge you and bring you bitter taste. It has been my fourth year to live in this city. When I first been here, I had no friends, could not speak any Japanese except from "Hi" (Konichiwa) and Thank you (Arigato). At that time, I had nothing but the determination of working hard to see a different "me" with such a valuable challenge. And I did it. Passing the exam of Japanese and getting into Nanzan, making friends with countless amazing people, having a life that I could never image when I was in Hong Kong. If I can do it, you too.

For having a university life, it can be tough and challenging. There will be countless decisions to make. To sleep or to study. To give up or to win. My advice is that, try your best to prepare for every class, to study and think, to talk to as many people as you can, to join the activity that are meaningful to you. You will be so surprised how life can be changed with your hard work. And you are not alone. Please feel free to come to the writing commons and talk. We are here to give you advices of studying abroad, learning foreign languages and writing academic reports.
