深めて!南山GLS 教員紹介
GAJ Yardley

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. … Begin it now. (J W von Goethe)
研究者詳細 | |
南山の先生 |
Applied Linguistics, English Education and Motivationこの分野を選んだ理由
As an undergraduate in the UK, I spent some time teaching English to an immigrant community It was a fulfiling and pleasant experience, and I believed then–as I do now–that it is important to have a career the makes you happy to get up in the morning and look forward to the day ahead. So after further studies specializing in linguistics and education, and training as a teacher, here I am! English is a gateway to so much more than language learning. Of course, you can study the language as an end in itself, but English is a stepping stone to the acquistion of knowledge and opportunity: it’s not just about learning something but about actually doing something and awakening motivations for the future. My ambition is to find ways of helping students rise to their motivations, to help them find what makes them happy to get up in the morning and look forward to the day ahead.
Symbol of the Camino de Santiago
It reminds me that it is important to put aside smart phones and laptops now and again, and to set aside some quiet time to think and reflect. It reminds me, too, of the importance of not just reaching a destination, but of the journey to the destination itself.
I like skiing, swimming, playing guitar badly, preparing a full English breakfast, as well as just sitting under a shady friendly tree reading something by Maugham or Saki. I also like occasional long-distance train travel or a bike trip. What I get the most pleasure from, however, is sitting with my children on a sofa watching おしりたんてい on Saturday evenings.
Generally, whatever my wife makes for dinner. Additionally, cottage pie and Spanish food. Unhealthily; good sausages and good cheeses. Healthily; star fruit, custard apples, raspberries and yuzu.
The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members (M K Gandhi)
For quite some time I thought that I would like to be a professional musician or an artist. In this way, I could enjoy creating or producing something that others, too, might enjoy, and I would also get paid for doing something that I enjoyed doing. Well, I’m not now either of these, but the pleasures and consolations of art and music are always there to enjoy. And happily, there are plenty of other dreams which have fortunately come true.
I would like to re-visit beautiful places that I am already fortunate to have been to or lived in. There, I would love to just sit down with friends or family, watch the sun go down over the sea have a coke or coffee and chat.