南山大学 国際教養学部 Faculty of Global Liberal Studies

深めて!南山GLS 学生の活躍 講演会レポート

講演会実施報告 2022年10月5日(水)
「Benefits of Study Abroad and the Sustainability Program in ASU」


 主 催:国際教養学科
 日 付:2022年10月5日(水)
 場 所:EB1教室
 内 容:「Benefits of Study Abroad and the Sustainability Program in ASU」
 講 師:Dianna Lippincott氏 (Arizona State University, Associate Director of Global Launch)
 参 加:国際教養学部生1年生


The students had a very favorable impression of the lecture given by Professor Lippincott. Many students commented afterwards that they are "even more excited to visit ASU now" after listening to Professor Lippincott's lecture on the academic program and lifestyle that they can experience by visiting ASU in person. It was very encouraging to observe the variety of questions raised by our students during the Q&A session, which also demonstrated GLS students' active and curious spirit - two qualities that will certainly serve our students well when they participate in the ASU program in 2023.

林 愼将先生からの一言:

質疑応答では、留学で具体的にどのような成長が期待できるのか (留学プログラムの初日と最終日でどのような変化が見受けられたか) といった留学のことから、サステイナビリティに関する具体的な質問まで多岐に渡り、講演会終了後Dianna氏の元に質問に行く人も多かったです。


I was surprised that ASU is ranked first in the United States for taking action for sustainability. In Nanzan, though many students study something related to sustainability, only a few students are active in spreading SDGs. In contrast, ASU not only teaches students sustainability but also actually makes sustainable efforts such as net-zero emissions. Therefore, I thought it would be meaningful to study sustainability at ASU. I found this program worth participating in considering my future. I have not decided what I want to be after graduation yet, but no matter which country I will be in, I want to work for many people. That is why I think I need to know the current situation and the most advanced approach to world problems. ASU holds many classes on environmental problems. I am also interested in social issues such as gender inequality and poverty, so I hope to study them in the ASU program.

The lecture by Dianna Lippincott gave me new insights into my future. She said there would be more work in the future because the world would continue to evolve. I thought that IT and other technological advances had negative effects that reduced the scope of human work. However, if there will be more work in the future, I need to think about my future work more than I do now. Also, I should think more about what I am interested in, what kind of work I want to do, and how I can contribute to society. The idea that there will be more new jobs and better jobs than the one I want to do now makes me look forward to the future. Studying English and other languages is the best self-investment for the future that I can make now. I want to take full advantage of the ASU program as a great opportunity.


